Welcome to Atlas in Balance: we aim for wellness and achieve results.

Atlas in Balance

Totton Health Clinic

Call Us:  +61 0409001211


How long does the Atlas realignment treatment take?

Appointment (60 minutes)

• Assessment and
• Atlas realignment  

How does the treatment feel?

It is a very gentle process that is non-invasive. Unlike some other methods, manipulation is unnecessary with an Atlas realignment.

Patients have commented on how comfortable their treatment sessions were and that after the treatment, they have mostly felt some immediate positive changes.

Can fit, athletic people benefit from the Atlas realignment?

Yes. All people should be tested for their Atlas alignment. This treatment also prevents other health issues long term. Annette's testimonial shows the benefits of this treatment for athletic people.

Can neonates and children have an Atlas realignment?

Yes. Anyone from the age of 3 months of age onwards can have this treatment.

Can senior citizens also have this treatment?

Yes. Seniors can. I have patients who are in their 70’s, 80’s , 90’s and one Centenarian (see below) who have had wonderful results with this treatment.

Dorothy is a few months from turning 101. Her gait and mobility immediately improved after having her Atlas aligned.    Both Dorothy and her family have also commented on how her energy has significantly increased.

Do you work with people in wheelchairs?

Yes. My wheelchair patients have commented on the effectiveness of this treatment for their various health conditions.

Do you work after normal working hours?

Yes, by prior arrangement.

Do you work on weekends?

Yes, by prior arrangement.

Can I have other therapies after having the atlas realignment?

Yes. The Atlas realignment can be complimented by other therapies.

What are some of the results people can expect?

Results are positive and varied depending on the individual’s existing condition's.

If you read my patient testimonials, you will see how effective this treatment can be for all types of conditions.

Are there any side-effects?

We all have unique injuries and illnesses: these occur on an individual level because of our career and lifestyle choices. Accidents especially upset our natural balance.

Often, people who have tried other therapies find the Atlas treatment profoundly effective.

The body will go through a healing process of self-correction. Individual patients may experience different shifts and changes during this process.

Is the Atlas treatment safe?

This method does not pose any health risk because the mechanical vibration is tailored to each individual. It works without any manipulation or direct contact to the Atlas vertebra. I work with young babies and children using this therapy. It is an effective and gentle treatment.